La surface de marquage du BIG CLIP
est x2 par rapport au CLIPTOU.
BIGCLIP s'utilise comme le CLIPTOU mais permet de faire passer plus de message.
105 x 50 mm par face de marquage, BIG CLIP présenter en format portrait ou paysage, en fonction de l'utilisation envisagé.
BADGE MAGNÉTIQUE, TROMBONE MAGNÉTIQUE, MARQUE-PAGE MAGNÉTIQUE, MAGNET il s'aimante et est personnalisable sur les 4 faces.
2 times more printing area while retaining the features of CLIPTOU, the BIGCLIP is simply a CLIPTOU TWICE GREATER. Text can be printed images of logos. Its visibility is increased. Created and manufactured in France in Bressuire in Deux-Sèvres, support is protected at the INPI. Magnetic badge, magnetic clip, magnet, magnetic paperclip It can be a calendar, menu, business card ...
it can replace the flaps of a flap folder and be offered as an advertising object. It will inevitably find useful use in everyday life, magnetic badge, magnetizable calendars, magnetized paper clip, magnetic duplex clip ...